Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead

 Bill Maher's tweeted, " Somali pirates, Gaddafi's son and now Osama. Do NOT fuck with Obama, he is a Gangsta."

Osama has finally been hunted down, executed and buried at sea.

Its 10 years since 9/11. 10 years is a whole generation in today's Intel 7 processor days. Its taken the US Army, MI5, Mossad, CIA and ISI 10 long years to hunt down a Bedouin terrorist and bring him to his knees, well, death. (Who will get the $1 million prize for his head?)

And apart from the satisfaction of having revenged the ignominious attack on the Twin Towers, apart from making OBL's death a symbol of the USA might and apart from trying to send out the message "Don't mess with us, we will hunt you down and kill you" what has the last 10 years achieved? Is USA any closer to dispelling the distrust and hatred the Islamic world has against it? There is a new Cold war now. Its the Islamic world against the Western world. Instead of pouring billions of dollars every day into a war in Afghanistan (who are they fighting for the last 10 years in that arid, mountainous, Godforsaken land ?) and a war in I-raq, the USA, being the moral policeman of the world, should try positive affirmation, try and solve the Israel- Palestine issue objectively (not influenced by the huge Jewish lobby), try and understand the Islamic culture. I feel that today an average Muslim person has become defensive and belligerent about his religion. We seem to be attacking his core belief an being. And he attacks back like an alley dog does when stones are pelted at it, by baring its teeth and growling and trying to bite.

Osama's death is symbolic, there is no dearth of Osamas in a world where followers of the largest religion in the world feel marginalised and misunderstood.

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